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Video Advertising

TV meets Internet

Desktop Video

Not all devices are the same. Customers to engage with your message using our high resolution video specifically designed for consumption on desktop computers.

Customized Video Options

SAM Digital uses 15 and 30 second videos played before premium content on leading sites.

Highly Interactive

To increase user engagement, our video creative provide optional interactive overlay, expand on rollover, and present shoppers with a full microsite.


We offer videos that are skippable by consumers to protect your brand.

desktop video
mobile video ads

Mobile Video Advertising

We target in-market shoppers as they interact with their smartphone or tablet.

Optimized For Each Device

Our Interactive video is optimized for each device’s screen allowing for fast load times and a quality viewing experience.

Tap To Play

Our videos use the tactile nature of tablets and smartphones to promote interaction.

Smart Design

Our interactive buttons and pages are designed specifically for the size of each screen.