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Dynamic OTT

Our dynamic and personalized ads are tailored for each and every viewer, ensuring that your ads reach the right customers, every time

Tailor Creative Ads to Qualified Viewers

Our platform ensures that you get the most out of each ad, maximizing your return on investment

An exciting solution that allows you to use the power of dynamic ad insertion for video. This gives you the ability to insert ads into videos in real-time, ensuring that qualified viewers are exposed to tailored ads that are most relevant to them.

Improve Ad Performance & Reach the Right Customers

Site-Visit Attribution

Site-Visit Attribution

Measure the effectiveness of your campaign with verifiable tracking methods.

Dynamic Creative

Dynamic Creative

Tailored based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data for precision advertising.

Cross-Device Retargeting

Cross-Device Retargeting

Serve OTT ads to prior website visitors across multiple devices and drive them back to your website.

Realtime Updates

Realtime Updates

Only promote in-stock vehicles through video ad, and update prices automatically.